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Route to Passive Income

It is never too early to plan for retirement

The Journey, My Plan

I have always been scribbling some financial goals that I hope to achieve at a certain age on some recycled paper. Nothing concrete, just pure calculation on the amount I will be able to save and invest.

2013 was a year of transition for many reasons and I started to reflect on my investment strategies. I was more interested in capital gains (I am still interested) but, slowly, I wanted a portfolio that generates a passive income.

My current portfolio is approximately $48,000. I have another $135,000 in cash. Of which $75,000, will be deposited in the banks for two reasons - raining days and a financial crisis scenario that gives me buying opportunities. The remaining $60,000 will be used to accumulate stocks over the next two years. Why not all now? I strongly believed in dollar cost averaging and there is no big bargains in the current market. In addition, I will also be saving $1,000 a month from my salary to be invested.

With my current portfolio, my dividend payout is close to $100 per month. My eventual goal is to have a monthly payout of $5,000. I have seen like-minded ordinary people achieving such goals and this strengthens my belief. For 2015, my target is to achieve a monthly payout of $500.

This journey will definitely not be easy. The plan on paper seems executable; but no one knows how the market will be like tomorrow.

Come what may. Towards one stream of passive income.

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