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Route to Passive Income

It is never too early to plan for retirement

A Gift to My Children - Jim Rogers

Decided to buy this book and read it during my business trip. Just wanted to share something in the book that I can totally relate to. It was about Jim's message to his children about saving. I believe this message should be told to every child.

You will meet people who will urge you to spend your money freely; they will tell you, "You can't take it with you!". As you get older, you will probably have friends who eat at expensive restaurants every night, buy the latest gadgets or fashion trends, and spend vacations at fancy beach resorts. You must avoid the trap of spending money willy-nilly simply because you can. Not only is this a road to financial ruin, it can cause you to forget what's important in life.

I am not saying what you should never travel or buy anything nice. I am merely suggesting that you should think wisely about whether the thing you are contemplating doing or buying is really worthwhile or whether its benefits will be, at best, fleeting

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